Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Generation Lost on Kung Fu

Target has a truly amazing T-shirt for sale these days: the image of Bruce Lee in puffy relief. I was wearing this shirt the other day to get a haircut. I actually had someone ask me, 'Who is that on your shirt?' Once I recovered from the shock of this stunning ignorance, I replied 'Bruce Lee,' hoping it was just the shirt was wrinkly and hard to recognize. However, the followup question was, 'Who is he? Some Chinese leader?' In a manner of speaking, I suppose that was correct, but I was far too annoyed to finish the conversation.

I realized that I had spent much of my freshman year in the comfort of the 2nd floor community room watching 'Kung Fu Theatre' in the wee hours of the morning. It wasn't just the poor dubbing, the cheesy music, and the incomprehensible plots that drew me into kung fu. I enjoyed the camaraderie of being together with other like-minded individuals and enjoying the chopsocky action on a TV that only had a working power switch and needed a coathanger to change channels. Fun times.

I wonder what the comparable social experience now is? Rock Band?

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